A Faster Key Repeat Rate For Mac

2020. 2. 10. 06:45카테고리 없음

I saw this on reddit and wanted to share because it wasn't very popular and I've been liking the change so far. For those who don't know, an easy way to make macro a little bit faster is by changing your keyboard settings. Open up the control panel. In the search bar at the top right, search for 'keyboard' and open it up. There are two options called 'Repeat delay' and 'repeat rate'.

  1. A Faster Key Repeat Rate For Mac 2017
  2. Change Key Repeat Rate Windows 10

Slide them all the way to the right. This makes it so that when you hold down the key on the keyboard, it sends more inputs per second. It also reduces the amount of time before it starts rapidly sending those signals. This is especially useful for zerg. If you want to spend 40 larvae worth of zerglings, this will greatly reduce the amount of time you need to hold down the key! Mac:.

Open up Systems preference. Find keyboard (second row) and click on it. There are two sliders, Key repeat rate and delay until repeat. Slide them all the way to the right.

Many times I want to center a function in my window. Scrolling is the only way. Also, Ctrl-left/right can still be slow in code where there are a lot of non-word characters.

A Faster Key Repeat Rate For Mac 2017

How to Increase Keyboard response time? (the actual time takes from pressing to it respond, not the repeat rate thing) As titled. I have a keyboard delaying issue when typing in various applications (internet explorer to Visual Studio). I believe the problem mentioned is NOT the repeat setting. Did this solve your problem?


Change Key Repeat Rate Windows 10


I use keyboardking also. It has a couple of isssues for me though. One, it sometimes uses the default speed instead of the actual value I set. The other is sometimes it ignores the initial delay. I still find it very useful though.


They said 4 years ago they would release the source in 6 months.:( Ok, on the suggestion of someone that modified HCU. Keyboard Response, this works well for me. HKEYCURRENTUSER Control Panel Accessibility Keyboard Response 'AutoRepeatDelay'='250' 'AutoRepeatRate'='13' 'BounceTime'='0' 'DelayBeforeAcceptance'='0' 'Flags'='59' Windows standard AutoRepeat delay. 13 ms (77 char/sec) repeat rate. Flags turns on FilterKeys? These values are read at login.

Remember to log out and back in for this to take effect. As mentioned by the hyperlogic, on Mac OS X, internally, there are two parameters dealing with the keyboard speed: KeyRepeat and InitialKeyRepeat. In the System Preferences they are mapped to the Key Repeat Rate and the Delay Until Repeat sliders. The slider ranges and the associated internal parameter values (in parenthesis) are show below. They seem to be multipliers of the 15 ms keyboard sampling interval.

Key Repeat Rate (KeyRepeat) Delay Until Repeat (InitialKeyRepeat) - - - slow (120) fast (2) off (30000) long (120) short (25) 0.5 char/s 33 char/s Fortunately, these parameters can be set beyond the predefined limits directly in the /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist file. I found the following values most convenient for myself: KeyRepeat = 1 - 1/(1.15 ms) = 66.7 char/s InitialKeyRepeat = 15 - 15.15 ms = 225 ms Note that in the latest Mac OS X revisions the sliders are named slightly differently. I do like to work on the keyboard alone. Because when you use the mouse you have to grab it. On the other hand sometimes it seems that every application has its own keyboard type-rates built in.

Not to speak from BIOS-properties or OS-settings. So I gathered shortkeys which can be pretty fast (i.e. You are faster typing Ctrl + right(arrow)-right-right than keeping your finger on the right(arrow) key:). Here are some keyboard shortcuts I find most valuable (it works on Windows; I am not sure about OS X): ctrl-right: Go to the end of the previous/the next word (stated before) ctrl-left: Go to the beginning of the previous/the word before (stated before) ctrl-up: Go to the beginning of this paragraph (or to the next paragraph over this) ctrl-down: Go to the end of this paragraph (or to the next paragraph after this) ctrl-pos1: Go to the beginning of the file ctrl-end: Go to the end of the file All these may be combined with the shift-key, so that the text is selected while doing so. Now let's go for more weird stuff: alt-esc: Get the actual application into the background ctrl-esc: This is like pressing the 'start-button' in Windows: You can navigate with arrow keys or shortcuts to start programs from here ctrl-l: While using Firefox this accesses the URL-entry-field to simply type URLs (does not work on Stack Overflow:) ctrl-tab, ctrl-pageup ctrl-pagedwn Navigate through tabs (even in your development environment) So these are the most used shortcuts I need while programming.

Seems that you can't do this easily on Windows 7. When you press and hold the button, the speed is controlled by Windows registry key: HCU-Control Panel-Keyboard-Keyboard Delay. By setting this param to 0 you get maximum repeat rate. The drama is that you can't go below 0 if the repeat speed is still slow for you. 0-delay means that repeat delay is 250ms.

But, 250ms delay is still SLOW as hell. See this: You still can go to Accesibility, but you should know that those options are to help disabled people to use their keyboard, not give help for fast-typing geeks. They WON'T help. Use Linux, they tell you. I bieleve the solution for Windows lies in hardware control. Look for special drivers for your keyboards or try to tweak existing ones.